Research Articles
"The Concept of Ben-se" in the Horizon of Chinese Poetic Criticism
Mingfu Pan and Zhaopeng Wang
An Art-Culturological Analysis of the Appeal for Literary Autonomy among the Beijing School Writers
Qingmin Zhang
Le Cinéma comme Expérimentation Philosophique
Badiou Alain and Yang Li
Mutiple Faces of "The Other"
Yamin Hu and Xiang Xiao
On Benjamin's Critical Model of "Aestheticization of Politics" Via an Analysis of Italian Futurism
Yun Zhou
On the Poetics of Materiality
Jin Zhang
On the Reflexivity of the Functional Specialization of the Literary Theory Discipline System
Yuyun Feng and Liming Zhou
On the Relationship between Self-Annotations and the Lyrical Implications in the Tang-Dynasty Poetry
Na Wei
The Reality Concerns and Creative Construction of Chinese Contemporary Literary Theory: A Symposium Survey
Dongmei Zhang
What is The Time of Contemporary Art?
Rancière Jacques