

Badiou starts with three concrete situations and proposes that the mission of philosophy lies in thinking about choice, distance and exception. As cinema creates a new synthesis from ruptures, it becomes an experimentation of philosophical situation. Philosophy can reveal the implications of the cinema from five differents dimentions: image, experience of time, continuity, order of the arts and art/non-art. Cinema doesn't deny difference, but construct a new relation out of heterogeneous relations between different art forms, constructed time and real duration, forms of popular culture, models of grand moral conflicts, and between love and politics, etc. Cinema is an absolutely impure art, and it comes from the most coarse reproduction of the reality, whose conditions of production depend on an impure system of material. Cinema comes from the hybrid of the world, and it creates its purity through subtraction or purification. Cinema is therefore a war between art and the impure world, while the successes of the classic films keep the people hopeful after the ideal of revolution disillusioned.

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