Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art Follow
Full Journal Title: Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA)
Frequency: Bimonthly
Organization: China Association for Theory of Literature and Art
East China Normal University
ISSN: ISSN0257-0254 and CN31-1152/I
Launched in June, 1980, TSLA is the journal of the state-certified first-tier China Literary Theory Association (founded in May, 1979), one of the earliest and most prominent national academic associations of the post-reform and open-up era. It is China’s first and the leading journal of studies of literary and art theory. Rooted in China’s fundamental realities and endowed with a global reach, it has contributed enormously to Chinese scholarship.
Visit the Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art journal homepage to see the latest issue.
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A Supplement to Kant's Antinomy of Appreciative Judgment Junfeng Cao
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