

Ning Wang


In the international circles of comparative literature and literary theory, comparative poetics dealing with literary theory still occupies a position although elite literature and its theory are impacted by cultural studies. In this aspect, American comparatist Earl Miner's pioneering contribution should not be neglected. Although Miner was not the first to shift scholarly attention to the study of Eastern comparative literature and literary theory, it may be argued that his intercultural explorations into comparative poetics have surpassed his precursors or contemporaries like René étiemble, Douwe Fokkema and James Liu, entering the field of general literary and theoretical studies. Miner's contribution not merely lies in expanding the domain of comparative poetics, but also anticipates the construction of world poetics. His unfortunate early death denies him further endeavor into the ambitious project. In the light of Miner's preliminary exploration, the present author tries to offer his own construction of a world poetics.

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