

Shortly after the celebration of twenty years of the narratology seminar at the CRAL (CNRS/EHESS) in Paris, Cao Danhong, professor of French language and literature at Nanjing University in China, conducted an interview with John Pier, one of the organizers of the seminar at the CRAL and also one of the most active researchers in narratology. Based on the evolution of the Seminar's work over the past twenty years, John Pier briefly reviewed the achievements of Western narratology since its foundation, suggested reexamining its evolution by dividing it into three “generations”, and reaffirmed its fundamental characteristics such as transborderality, transmediality, and transdisciplinarity. Also discussed were paths for the future development of narratology with an emphasis on comparative research, diachronic research, and historiography.


narratology seminar, “generations”, comparative narratology, diachronic narratology, historiography of narratology

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