

Jiang Wenzhen


The historical transformation of Chinese literary theory from “ancient literary theory episteme” to “modern literary theory episteme” since the 20th century occurred through the modern construction of the social-cultural episteme. In this epistemological transformation, the intellectual production and construction of modernity in Chinese literary theory resonated with the reconstruction of modern Chinese social and cultural order and were closely related to the identification of modern Chinese intellectuals. The century-long construction of modernity in China, as well as the generation of modern episteme and its paradigm shift, is a process that continuously alters and deepens the understanding of the connotation of modernity and the characteristics and functions of knowledge. Only through the holistic discursive correlations to the production of modern thought and cultural knowledge, and within the coordinate system of knowledge system can we historically grasp the structural characteristics of modern Chinese literary theory and its basic epistemological positioning. This approach also enables the exploration and confirmation of the basis of legitimacy of knowledge production in modern Chinese literary theory.


literary theory episteme, Chinese modernity, reconstruction of cultural order, legitimacy

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