

Nan Zheng


Franco Moretti's “distant reading” has had a significant impact on Western scholarship. While scholars mainly categorize it as part of the research in digital humanities, few have noted the importance of distant reading as a research method in itself. This article proposes the concept of "reading media" as an approach to understanding the evolution of distant reading as a method. "Reading media" is a kind of information feedback apparatus capable of changing readers’ perception of a text. The evolution of the distant reading method indicates that different reading media have transformed the researchers’ cognitive ability of texts; that is, other people's research transforms the texts into expert opinions, quantitative analysis transforms texts into data, and modeling transforms data into literary models based on quantification. A series of cognitive changes have brought about changes in research methods. The distant reading approach in particular has evolved to integrate multidisciplinary thinking and, therefore, has the potential to become a new paradigm for liberal arts research.


distant reading, reading media, quantitative analysis, modeling, new liberal arts

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