

Guoan Chen


Wu Weiye’s (1609-1671) ci-poetry, distinctively characterized by directly inheriting the style of ci-poetry from the Song dynasty rather than the Ming dynasty, brought about a number of developments to ci-poetry. These mainly included the mature awareness ci-poetry style, the refinement of eroticism, the drive behind alluding to classics and history, the sentiments behind his identification as a leftover subject from the previous dynasty, the intermingling of different genres, and the enhancement of narrative function of ci-poetry. These were also important elements in scholars’ ci-poetry, which made Wu Weiye with his ci-poetry the foundation for scholars’ ci-poetry in the Qing dynasty. Wu Weiye became the pioneer of scholars’ ci-poetry because of several reasons: his profound knowledge, his dual- identity as a leftover scholar from the Ming dynasty and an official of the Qing court, his rich and excellent experience in composing chanting poetry, his ideal that represented a generation of scholars, and his academic expertise in the history of the Northern and Southern dynasties.


Wu Weiye, Wu Weiye’s ci-poetry, scholars’ ci-poetry, founding of ci-poetry in the Qing dynasty

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