The Zhanghui novel epitomizes classical Chinese fiction and is one of the main constituents of its narrative tradition. The different and varying understandings of zhanghui novels by new literature in different historical periods influenced not only the relationship between new literature and "old tradition," but also, significantly, the concept of modern fiction and its creative practice. Despite Western literature's impact on modern Chinese fiction, it still developed in close relation to old traditions, including the zhanghui novel. This phenomenon displays new literature's complicated relationships with literary tradition, historical context and social reality, as well as its historical trajectory of genesis, development and transformation.
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Guo, Bingru. 2019. ""New Literature" and "Old Tradition":The Interaction between Modern and Traditional Zhanghui Novels." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 39, (4): pp.186-193. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol39/iss4/1