Through his analysis, Badiou discovers that the "heteronymy" thoughts in Pessoa's poems reflect his anti-Platonic tendency. Despite this, Badiou also notices the entangled connections between Pessoa's poems and Platonism. In fact, the modernity of Pessoa lies in his ambivalent position between Platonism and anti-Platonism; the task for contemplation poetry is not to pledge loyalty to Platonism or anti-Platonism. Instead, we should follow the poetic path opened up by Pessoa and create a philosophy about heterogeneity, void and infinity.
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Wang, Huan, and Jiang Lan. 2019. "The Everlasting Voyage of Heteronymy: Badiou's Discussion about Pessoa and Plato." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 39, (2): pp.179-188. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol39/iss2/16