Lubomir Dolezel is one of the most important literary theorists of the so-called fiction and possible worlds theory in the English world. In Dolezel's Heterocomica: Fiction and Possible Worlds, the author provides a conceptual framework of possible worlds against the one-world frame in traditional fiction study, arguing that fiction worlds are a special kind of possible worlds. Focusing on the fictional universe projected by literary texts and the discursive means of achieving fictional effects, he offers a new approach to narrative and fiction study. This paper is a complete review of the entire system of Dolezel's possible worlds theory, and argues that it is significantly illuminating to the development of China’s contemporary literary theory.
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Zhang, Yu. 2017. "Lubomir Dolezel's Literature Fiction and Possible Worlds Theory." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 37, (3): pp.130-140. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol37/iss3/9