Titles are special insight into the Ming and Qing novel writing. Through an examination of the texts, prefaces and epilogues, the records of book production, guidelines for book use, book reviews, notes etc. the paper explores the literary concepts reflected by the Ming and Qing novels. Specifically, novel titles can be interpreted in four respects, namely, the novel as a supplement to history, the novel as admonishment, the novel as entertainment, and the novel as true feelings. Through these concepts we may have a better understanding of the significance and the evolution of the literary concepts of the Ming and Qing novels.
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Cheng, Guofu. 2017. "The Literary Concepts through Novel Titles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 37, (3): pp.66-77. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol37/iss3/15