One of the foremost problems that contemporary narrative ethics must respond to is whether meaning exists. This paper reviews the different Western versions of the death of God and the various understandings of "nothingness" among Chinese and Western thinkers, attempts to distinguish "nothingness" from "nihilism", and hopes to pin down the location of the meaning formation from multiple perspectives. It proceeds to investigate Derrida's "différance" and "spectrology" and positions deconstructionism in the meta-ethical dimension of post-philosophical thinking. The paper has also summarized the basic features of the meta-ethical dimension.
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Wang, Hongsheng. 2013. "The Meta-Ethical Traits: Nothingness, Différance and Spectrology." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 33, (1): pp.130-137. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol33/iss1/18