

Yan Jia


In the history of European art, the production and interpretation of images have been the work both of artisans in art workshops and of philosophers and viewers who have expressed their opinions through various powers. Ignoring this history and the role of artisans and artisanal traditions in the power of images is clearly an ahistorical attitude. The emergence of prominent art theorists and critics is a recent phenomenon. Over time, theorists and critics have turned their power of interpreting images into a privilege. Although they are not engaged in the production of art and images, they can influence the production of art and images through the impact of capital and institutional power. As today's art theory and criticism no longer pay attention to the production activities of artists, theorists and critics may possess barely any of the most basic techniques and knowledge of art production. In this regard, establishing the validity of art theory and critical interpretation is a question worthy of consideration.


image production, artisan tradition, philosophers, theorists and critics, art history and art theory

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