

Zhou Xian


Image studies is an emerging field that intersects with the humanities, social sciences, and even the natural sciences, demonstrating significant interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary characteristics. Traditional art history is increasingly shifting toward image science or image studies, with new theories, concepts, and methods rapidly emerging, raising many new epistemological questions that need to be addressed. First, establishing an overarching category of image among the various related concepts is a primary task for the epistemology of image studies. Second, the significance and value of the paradigm shift in art history and aesthetic studies, reshaped by the “image turn,” need to be explored in depth. Finally, what are the key questions that will determine the future of image studies as an open, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field? Intellectual reflection on image studies will contribute to answering these questions.


image, image studies, epistemology, art history, aesthetics

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