

Zhang Xianfei


During the “revolutionary literature controversy”, Lu Xun proposed an approach to create a dialogue field and structure for the Chinese Proletarian Revolutionary Literature Movement that differed from the “Revolutionary Literature School”, aligning with two intertwined dialogue traditions within the international communist literary movement. Lu Xun fully affirmed the inevitability of the Proletarian Revolutionary Literature Movement, profoundly summarizing and reflecting on the valuable experience of building a structure and exploring the practice of dialogue in the May Fourth and New Culture Movements, the early Soviet literary movement, and the universal theoretical and practical challenges they faced. Underpinning the recognition of ideological struggle as the core of dialogue behavior, he explored how to create a favorable field, an ideal structure, and ethical rules for dialogue as the foundation of the emerging Proletarian Revolutionary Literature Movement. Lu Xun's intellectual contributions helped communists and revolutionary artists think more comprehensively and objectively about the future development of the Chinese Proletarian Revolutionary Literature Movement, drawing from the experiences of the early Soviet literary movement in the 1920s. Moreover, it played a pivotal role in promoting the establishment of the League of Left-wing Writers.


Lu Xun, revolutionary literature controversy, Proletarian Revolutionary Literature Movement, ideological struggle, Concept of dialogue

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