The “political concept of love” proposed by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri has undergone a process of genesis, development, and establishment. Basically, the core of this concept is a type of new and singular subjectivity, which combines the legacy of the Enlightenment and postmodern theoretical resources. This subjectivity provides impetus for “love” and supports the “political concept of love”. However, as a theoretical construct, the “political concept of love” has at least three obvious limitations. First, although it attempts to combine love and force, such combination is not organic. Second, it fails to resolve the conflicts among the multitude. Third, it tends to ontologize love.
Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, political concept of love, singular subjectivity
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Yuxuan, Li. 2024. "An Analysis of the “Political Concept of Love” by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 44, (4): pp.152-160. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol44/iss4/16