

Tao Jin


Literary interpretation is understood by Derrida as the process of implementing the strategy of deconstruction and expanding the dimension of deconstruction. When Derrida interpreted Shakespeare's classic play Romeo and Juliet, he unearthed several scenes of contretemps in the play, unfolded a wonderful interpretation of “contretemps” through the dimensions of time, proper name and irony, and addressed the question of the possible condition for the generation of meaning through the analysis of three different disjunctions. Derrida's interpretation explores the disjunction between time and space in the dimension of time, the disjunction between the proper name and the bearer in the dimension of the proper name, and the disjunction between finitude and infinity in the dimension of irony. These three dimensions are intertwined to create a complete multidimensional perspective of the “contretemps.”


Jacques Derrida, Romeo and Juliet, contretemps, time, proper name, irony

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