Cinematic attention refers to the audience's conscious focusing after engaging with a film. This engagement results in the audience's intentional construction of the film, giving the film an appearance within the viewer's consciousness, hence referred to as “audience-cinema.” This study leverages phenomenological principles to dissect the consciousness structure within cinema, aiming to elevate the audience's role in film interpretation and uncover the fundamental nature of cinema as an intentional bond between viewer and film. Cinematic attention, a precursor to other forms of viewing consciousness, is inherent in the act of film perception. It embodies the core structures of conscious activity, serving as an integrative form of perception, that encapsulates the dynamic exchange between film and viewer. Ultimately, this examination of cinematic attention offers a comprehensive, principle-based exploration of how films manifest within audience consciousness, proposing new insights into film ontology and the genesis of filmic understanding from the perspective of viewing consciousness.
cinematic attention, conscious focusing, intentional connection, appearance in consciousness, film phenomenology
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Shisi, Xie. 2024. "On Cinematic Attention: From Conscious Focusing, “Audience-cinema” to Film Ontology." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 44, (4): pp.119-130. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol44/iss4/13