

The neo-sensationalist literary orientation of Shi Zhecun, Liu Naou and Mu Shiying basically took shape between 1926 and 1928, before they became the school known as “Chinese Neo-sensationalists”. In addition to overlapping literary interests, Liu Naou's reading tastes contributed to the shaping of other members' early literary views. Liu Naou's diary in 1927 and neo-sensationalist works show that aestheticism, especially Junichiro Tanizaki's literary works, connected their interests. The group's reception of Tanizaki's work was intertwined with personal aesthetics and social concerns; their motivation was generally outward rather than inward. The shared preference for Tanizaki not only unified Chinese Neo-sensationalists, but also shaped their creative direction and underlay the basic character of the group. However, due to the relatively restrained use of aestheticist and decadent elements, the Chinese Neo-sensationalists' reception of Tanizaki's literary works was also limited.


Chinese Neo-sensationalists, Liu Na'ou, aestheticism, Junichiro Tanizaki's literary works, history of reading

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