

Starting from the controversy about the indexicality and realism of image in current film theory in the digital age, this article aims to clarify the necessities, contexts, and methods of the theoretical turn from the paradigm of representation to the paradigm of performance. From the perspective of performance theory, image is primarily viewed as an action, an event, or a generative force that creates rather than represents the world. Therefore, visual economy invites us to pay attention to image's complicated circulation in the actor-network and how it actualizes its potential in the diverse and heterogeneous encounters with the audience. The affect theory requires us to note image's ability to trigger affects and feelings. and its qualities of synaesthesia, free connection and fluctuation. Image as an affective performance not only reminds us of keeping a hyperconsciousness of the affective minimum and the microscopic fragment of emotion, but also promises a more positive and open interaction with image, namely, the reparative reading.


image, representation, performance, affect

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