

Guangshun He


Heidegger's interpretation of “the motherland” as “being itself” is closely related to his conceptualization of “the Earth and Nature,” which unfolds itself in the confrontation between two great European traditions, the ancient Greco-Germain (Germany) and the Jewish-Christian (or Catholic). His narration of the Greek “first beginning” and German “another beginning” guides one to the criticism of Judaism, which is related to the existence of the homeland and the true nature. To construct the motherland in ontological terms indicates the search for the source of the German spirit from time, as well as the realization of nation's historical Dasein time and creator time. “The motherland,” as “being itself,” is associated with Heidegger's fundamental ontology. It is the common destiny of the firmament, the earth, the mortal, and the gods. It is a man of solitude and dreariness who constantly rises and sinks. And it is an existence of seclusion that opposes to capital and technology. The Heideggerian aesthetic construction of “the motherland” as “being itself” aims at building the motherland as a habitation of people's poetic existence. However, it should be noted that such ideal, in ethical terms, is still deficient in a spirit of sharing or great enjoyment.


the motherland;being itself;the earth and nature;antiSemitism;a spirit of great enjoyment

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