Gilles Deleuze introduces the concept of “image-in-itself” in his film theories. Based on the origin of things, this concept gradually develops into “image”, and its reality is embedded in this process. Although “reality” is not explicitly discussed in film theories, it can be found in Deleuze's theory related to “generating”, and its elements exist in Deleuze's classification of films. Deleuze uses reality as the principle of film classification, establishing a unique way of film classification.
film, image-in-itself, Gilles Deleuze
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Nie, Xinru. 2023. "Gilles Deleuze's Reality Tactics of “Image-in-itself”." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 43, (1): pp.88-96. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol43/iss1/11