Richard Rorty is identified as a pragmatist philosopher in the genealogy of American hermeneutics, but a profound understanding of his thesis, concept and argumentation logic is to be achieved in relation to analytical philosophy. The long-term dialogue between Rorty and Donald Davidson not only connects with the various concerns of hermeneutics, but also opens up the philosophical space and literary space with characteristic British and American theoretical styles, which provides an important clue for us to examine the transformation of Rorty’s intellectual focus from analytical philosophy to neo-pragmatism as well as the value of this transformation to literary theory.
language, truth, new pragmatism, Richard Rorty, Donald Davidson
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Tang, Yonghua. 2022. "Hermeneutics of Language, Truth and New Pragmatism: Richard Rorty’s Interpretation of Donald Davidson." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 42, (2): pp.126-136. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol42/iss2/34