In order to construct a contemporary "study of literary selection", we should center on the compilation of anthologies while taking into consideration of other mechanisms concerned with the selection of literary works, so as to construct a multi-dimensional system through multi-layered analysis of the "study of literary selection". The multi-layered structure of contemporary "study of literary selection" allows for its departure from the study of "The Selection of Refined Literature", and manifests as the important features of its modernity as well the anxiety of modernity. An investigation of contemporary "study of literary selection" informs our understanding of literary canonization.
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Xu, Yong. 2021. "The Compilation of Anthologies and the Theoretical Issues in Constructing Contemporary "Study of the Literary Selection"." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 41, (3): pp.23-33. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol41/iss3/17