Reportage is a literary genre emerged out of modern journalism, featuring its blending of news, literature, and political commentary. With the changing of time, particularly due to the advent of the "Age of Omnimedia", its function to report news has significantly declined. Writers of reportage begin to develop its non-fictional narrative aesthetics, in order to accommodate themselves to the reader-objects and rising reader expectation. Reportage, as it stands, has shifted from its original style of reporting to a new genre of "literary reportage", a non-fictional narrative mode with distinctive features such as non-fiction, narrativity, and literariness.
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Ding, Xiaoyuan. 2020. "Reportage as a Non-fictional Narrative Mode." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 40, (3): pp.76-83. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol40/iss3/16