The concept of "the avant-garde" has both political and aesthetic connotation when applied to arts, which, to some degree, corresponds to its two approaches of intervening in society. It either abandons artistic autonomy and directly intervenes in society based on certain political ideas and party positions, or, it adheres to artistic autonomy and intervenes indirectly in society by maintaining a distance from society. There are thus irreconcilable contradictions between ideas and approaches of the avant-garde when it intervenes in society. This internal paradox makes it difficult for avant-garde art to truly intervene in society, and it also determines the efficacy of its intervention.
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Li, Lei. 2020. "Forms, Approaches and Limitation of Avant-garde Art's Intervention in Society." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 40, (2): pp.57-67. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol40/iss2/8