In virtue of the logic of Richard Rorty's neo-pragmatism, it is problematic to claim that Rorty's literary theory is based on his philosophy. Rather, Rorty as a neo-pragmatist and a literary theorist can both make more sense if they are put together. So we may need start from the controversy over the definition of neo-pragmatism, and activate the tension between literature and philosophy, in order to give a more thoughtful examination of Rorty's design of literary theory. Besides, we can divide theories into three types according to their function: inquiry, problematization, and therapeutics. Thus we may place better a possible neo-pragmatic literary theory, including how it asks, how it thinks, and how it answers.
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Tang, Yonghua. 2018. "Richard Rorty and the Possibility of a Neo-pragmatic Literary Theory." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 38, (5): pp.165-175. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol38/iss5/16