With such key words as poiesis, transmissibility, potentiality, and rhythm, Agamben expounds his theory of art. He argues that the crisis of modern art can be attributed to the loss of art as poiesis and the entry of art into the domain of aesthetics, which makes art incline toward nihilism as a self-annihilating nothing. In Agamben's view, art should renounce the guarantee of truth and takes transmissibility as its content to evoke pure potentiality by means of rhythm so that humans can recover their poetic status on earth.
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Bai, Yin. 2018. "Agamben's Art Theory: Poiesis, Transmissibility, and the Opening of Pure Potentiality." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 38, (2): pp.69-76. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol38/iss2/5