In his Seduction, Baudrillard interprets Kierkegaard's concept of seduction: he regards seduction as a behavior of the "aesthetic stage", including Don Juan's physical seduction and the spiritual seduction of Johannes, represented as the male's desire and seduction to women, and also as a guiding spirit of Socrates' maieutics and Jesus' sermons, while Baudrillard is concerned more about nature of women's seduction. He regards seduction as a game which disintegrates the hierarchy of gender, power and production with its superficiality and meaninglessness, from the post-modern perspective. He considers Johannes' seduction as an artificial strategy, which is the mirror image of the female seduction and therefore is a stronger reflection of the invincibility of seduction. His concept of seduction follows Kierkegaard's reflection on reason, and also highlights the postmodern deconstruction of seduction.
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Shang, Jingjian. 2017. "Seduction: from the "Aesthetic Stage" to the Postmodern Mirror: Baudrillard's Interpretation of Kierkegaard's Seduction." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 37, (5): pp.193-200. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol37/iss5/9