Jean Baudrilard made great contributions to the dialogue between Marxism and Semiotics. Although he changed from a Marxist to a Post-Marxist, semiotics has always been his methodology throughout his academic career. This intrinsic tension between breakage and connection is primarily caused by the usage of semiotics. By introducing semiotics into Marxism, he began to analyze and criticize the object system, fashion, auction of work of arts and the consumer ideology of consumer society, and formulated his unique critical theory of the political economy of the sign. As a result, he enriched and developed the critical theory of classical Marxism and the Frankfurt School. Also because of the usage of semiotics, he deviated from the basic principles of production theory of Marxism and put forward important concepts such as simulacrum, simulation, implosion and hyper-realism, and criticized the Gulf War as a media event. Ultimately, he became a typical postmodernist.
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Yang, Jian'gang. 2017. "The Semiotical Expansion of Critical Theory: The Semiotical Methods in Baudrilard's Academic Research." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 37, (5): pp.140-151. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol37/iss5/16