

Daren Lai


The essence of literature is an issue of modern literary theory. In the process of Chinese literary theory's modern transformation and development, the theorization of the essence of literature was highlighted, and has become the key issue in modern literary theory. This concept has adapted itself several times through historical construction and evolution, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the period of reform and opening up, in accordance with the change of time and the development of literature. The new period also saw the evolution process of this concept under different critical lenses: social and aesthetic ideology theories, aesthetic and human literary theories, even re-discussion in the context of anti-essentialism. A reflection on the essence of literature and its evolution gives us some lessons and insights, as well as leads us to ponder over difficulties and problems of contemporary literary theory. In this regard, we could overcome the negative influence brought by the anti-essentialism controversy and loss of the self, so as to conduct a rational theoretical exploration and construction.

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