In the debate on Lu Xun's "national characteristic" at the turn of the 20th century, Feng Jicai and Liu Hewereseverely criticizedfor their post-colonial stance. However, all these critics misunderstood Liu He's point. Through analysis, one finds that critics' mindset of binary opposition such as "China/west, tradition/modernity" was the main cause of the misreading. Meanwhile, Liu He's post-colonial practice also betrays dogmatic binary thinking. The mindset of binary oppositions inherent inmodern Chinese academic thought throughout history has restrained intellectuals' talent, hence a waste of intelligence. To avoid such mindset, Chinese literary scholars should be more sensitive and receptive tofindings in other disciplines.
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He, Yugao. 2016. "The Debate on "National Characteristic" and the Mindset of Binary Opposition in Contemporary Intelligentsia." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 36, (6): pp.37-45. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol36/iss6/20