In the development of modern Chinese literary criticism since the May Fourth movement, stylistic criticism flourished in the 1920s which resulted in partisan criticism in the 1930s. Organized by the left-wing groups, partisan criticism was divided into three different types, known as "criticism of the others," "internal debate" and "top-down approach," with differed historical contexts, writing styles and strategies. Their evolution, integration and transformation deeply influenced the development of modern and contemporary Chinese literature. It was until the 1980s that academic-style literary criticism, developed in the 1940s, had a direct impact on contemporary Chinese literature. In the Internet Age, many new types of criticism based on different ideological and commercial manipulation have aroused and posed a big challenge to the tradition of literary criticism.
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Xu, Zidong. 2016. "Different Types of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 36, (3): pp.6-13. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol36/iss3/7