Zhu Guangqian's and Li Zehou's concepts of "imagistic thinking" were formed in the 1950s and the Post-Mao Period, with each having distinctive characteristics and both having common ground. While both equal "imagination" with "imagistic thinking," Zhu had always been taking them as the same and Li’s concept has evolved into using imagination to replace imagistic thinking. Although imagistic thinking is a transitional concept in the history of contemporary Chinese aesthetics, its theoretical value and significance are highlighted in the present context of linguistic turn and visual culture.
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Cao, Qian. 2015. "A Re-Examination of "Imagistic Thinking": With a Focus on Zhu Guangqian and Li Zehou." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 35, (6): pp.36-44. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol35/iss6/3