Since the end of 20th century, the worldwide literary criticism has turned to the study of materiality and manifested the four interrelated dimensions of literary materiality, namely, the materiality of the signifier of literary language and the material properties of texts, the materiality of literary context concerned with the limitations imposed by the social world of economics and politics, the materiality of the perceiving subject and the body through which an aesthetic experience occurs, and the materiality of the represented objects in response to which the experience takes place. The interaction of these dimensions shifts the focus in literary research from intertextuality to inter-objectivity, and in literary conception from representation of humanity to embodiment of thingness.
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Zhang, Jin. 2015. "On the Interrelated Dimensions of Materiality in Literary Criticism." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 35, (3): pp.131-138. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol35/iss3/9