Clothing, food, residence and traveling make up the daily life of people, and the first three are the basic needs of life while traveling becomes the condition for the three. The different preferences in clothing, food, residence and traveling means of the migrant peasant workers reflect the politics based on the distinction between the urban and the countryside. In the novels about the migrant peasant workers, the representations of their daily life in terms of clothing, food, residence and means of traveling highlight the aesthetics of differentiation. The pursuit of the lifestyle of the citizens is shown as the motivation of the migrant peasant worker, while the gap between their countryside life and the urban life engulfs them from the hoped-for life of modernity. The struggle for material and lifestyle change harbors the clashes and confrontations between the existence of these people and the political system, moral and cultural configurations.
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Feng, Bo, and Deming Xu. 2015. "The Differentiation Aesthetics in the Representations of the Clothing, Food, Residence and Traveling of Migrant Peasant Workers." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 35, (3): pp.42-50. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol35/iss3/20