Digital poetics covers the theoretical studies of the new forms of uprising literature from the electronic literature in the West to the internet literature in China. The primary mission of digital poetics is to sum up experience in digital literary writing and refine digital literary spirit so as to reflect the nature of literature from the new perspective provided by this new literary form. With the current emergence of computionalism, Web upgrades and the resultant development of cultural industry, digital poetics is facing new challenges and new opportunities. The paper proposes that computionalism may be taken as a world view for the exploration of theoretical issues concerning the origin and classification of arts and literature while the development in digital media and web technology may provide the point of departure for post-industrial production of artworks, which in turn will expands the current understanding of digital poetics.
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Huang, Mingfen. 2014. "Toward a Digital Poetics for Electronic and Internet Literature." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 34, (1): pp.99-105. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol34/iss1/21