

Sepänmaa Yrjö


Culture and civility, enlightenment and wisdom all relate to the environment, and the environment relates to them. Environmental civility is a conscious and emotional skill or readiness, which permits a basically positive attitude and way of acting. Civility and wisdom are close to each other and nearly synonyms. Knowledge is the foundation, but it needs the partnership of an attitude that maintains and refines life. Civility is value-positive, but as such also critical. It means proper respect and appreciation of well-done work, and always seeking something better. Eco-humanism emphasizes the positive value of humankind and human work, positive footprints: we produce what nature cannot, but at the same time emphasize our responsibility. There are at least two kinds of environmental civility and enlightenment. One is knowledge of the environment through the natural and cultural sciences, literacy, acquired by observation and systematic study. The other is a positive attitude: respectful behavior, consideration, compassion, and empathy. An attachment, a love based on knowledge and respect give an incentive to protection and care. According to the degree of success one can speak of a civilized or an uncivilized environmental relationship. In order to improve the relationship, soft civilization and education work is done; tougher measures are laws and their supervision at a national and international level. Our health and welfare – of body and mind – depend decisively on the welfare of the material and mental environment. An interactive relationship, a mutual support and dependence prevails between humankind and environment. The Earth will function even without humans, in many ways even better than before, but something quite essential would vanish with us. Humanity, like the Earth too will of course end at some time, but if caused by itself it would mean a temporal shortening of the richness of life.

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