Benjamin's Moscow Diary records the complex relationship between the life and the thought, and it also penetrated with his self-projection. Neither is Benjamin in love a symbol of the "Benjamin industry" carnival, nor is the bodiless Benjamin a feminist metaphor for the aura of his thoughts. Asja Lacis, the protagonist in Moscow Diary, represents one immanent origin of philosophical critique of modernity in the era of overflowing total alienation and pseudo-experience. Individual's authentic experience has been viewed by Benjamin as the last resort to transcendence and redemption of modernity, and underlying Moscow Diary is Benjamin's philosophy of experience.
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Sun, Shicong. 2013. "Benjamin in Love: A Re-interpretation ofMoscow Diary." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 33, (6): pp.157-163. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol33/iss6/6