

Xuan Wu


The paper raises the issue on how valid the traditional categorization of creative methods such as realism, romanticism and modernism can explain the uniqueness and originality of classical writers such as Dostoevsky and Lu Xun etc. It observes that classical writers have shared experience in the originality of literary creation which shows in their unique questions in philosophy or humanity targeting at the social reality of their own time while establishing their own understanding upon the questions and the understanding leads to the unique structuring of literary works. Therefore, a methodological schema can be found between individual concerns, personal understanding and idiosyncratic structuring in literary creation. Negativist literary theory interprets this schema as "reality-pervading method of literary creation," which makes use of realistic portraiture in realism, fantasy in romanticism and psychological-transformative method in modernism. The reality-pervading method can very innovative as it may break through the bonds of the times, culture and existing current literary resources.

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