

Xiaoxi Shan


To construct media ontology is to lay a philosophical foundation for the research into new media literature and art. Media ontology, compared with media epistemology and media ousiaology, is a post-metaphysical media philosophy grounded on the theories of modern ontology, and the theoretical context is constructed by the theoretical reflections from the perspective of media philosophy and the studies on the transition from classic ontology to modern ousiaology. The three illogically interconnected propositions of media ontology are "to be is to inform," "the medium is information" and "media is being." In this light, being can be interpreted through information activities of existents, and all information is mediated and no information is self-contained and exists in itself. When existents function to intermediate in such activities as intermediation, collaboration, containment, configuration and production, they become media and show in the relations of mediating existence. When presence and language are mediating activities, they help to construct the important expansive way of existence. Media are essentially the field in which existence becomes, and existence is the activity in which the existent is mediated.

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