

Wei Xu


In the Qing dynasty, besides the Schools of Zhexi and Changzhou, Guangdong poets had also played an important role in the construction of ci poetics, among which Tan Ying, with his 177 Quatrains on Ci-Poems, could be considered as one of the most systematic and sophisticated critic-poets. Heavily influenced by the School of Zhexi, Tan Ying gave prominence to the exquisite and elegant nature of ci-poetry while also highlighting the expression of true emotion and personal integrity in ci-poetry as a rectifying measure for the desolateness and the overindulgence in rhetoric of Zhexi poetics. This paper analyzes Tan Ying's critical comments on other ci-poets from the perspective of the historical evolution of ci-poetry and investigates his reception of Zhexi School, and hopes to summarize Tan Ying's poetics and delineate the reception of Guangdong ci poets of ideas from the School of Zhexi during the reign of Daoguang and Xianfeng.

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