Different ways may be applied to the investigation of literariness as a measure in judging literature. The dominant way to understand literariness has been within an essentialist mode, which approaches literature from the perspective of imagery and aesthetic ideology, which has been under attack from the anti-essentialistic approach. Anti-essentialistic approach develops from the monistic to the pluralistic and ultimately to the nonessentialistic. The paper maintains that the investigation of literariness should rid itself of the myth of trans-tempo-spatiality and entrust itself to the interplay between the interrelated factors in the synchronic spatial structure in literature.
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Wang, Wei. 2012. "Literariness, Anti-Essentialism and Spatial Turn." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 32, (5): pp.139-144. https://tsla.researchcommons.org/journal/vol32/iss5/6