"Paul Ricoeur's Narrative Explanation Concerning the Issue of Time" by Feixiong Fu


Feixiong Fu


Paul Ricoeur not only sees the signs of language as linguistic grammatical system but also reduces them into the discourse communication of "speech act" and into the signification of human existence. They function both as a mediator and as a truth-deliverer. Ricoeur's phenomenological hermeneutics is based on general narrative semiotics, implements the inadequacy of formalistic theories such as structuralism, and effectively enunciates "narrative practice." "Narrative practice," as the basic human cultural phenomenon, is a kind of "mimetic activity" centered round "emplotment," the probable condition of which is the time structure of human action. As the nature of time is aporetic, speculative philosophy such as general phenomenology cannot provide theoretically unified demonstration through its reflection on time, and the narrative discourse cannot resolve the aporetic of time but only mediate it. Therefore, the aporetic of time compels Ricoeur to interpret time from the narrative itself.

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