

Qinghai Liu


As a critic, Li Bai's critical practice consists of his comments on the poetry history and on the coeval poetry writing, which are inherently related with each other. Comparatively speaking, his insights into contemporary poetry writing rarely attract researcher's attention. His achievements in this field mainly include the following. Firstly, in Gu Feng No.1 [Old Airs], Li Bai expounds his view on coeval poetry writing which reflects his general understanding and positive affirmation of it. Secondly, besides aesthetical standards such as "restoring the ancient," "airs and odes" and "rectified sound," which are the basic guidelines of his commentary on the writing of Meng Haoran, Du Fu, He Zhizhang, Li Hua, Wei Liangzai, Cui Chengfu, he also creates a series of concepts of his own such as purity and genuineness, artlessness, naturalness, unblocked grace, unconstrained inspiration, which embody his unique aesthetic ideals. Thirdly, his evaluation and keen anticipation of his own writing, for example, his realization and pursuit of a clear and sublime style, his realization of being gifted, and his hope to create literary artifacts, all reflect his keen consciousness as a discerning critic.

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